Thursday, September 8, 2011

Russian Circles - Geneva (2009)

So i saw Russian Circles last night after only finding out about them the day before. Without knowing anything about this three piece band i gave their last album Geneva a good listen before heading out. Geneva is a pretty massive sounding Post Metal recording made up of multi layered guitar, keys, strings, and horns making it an extremely lush recording which i was very excited about witnessing it live. The only thing with three piece bands which record albums with a huge array of other instruments is that it cannot be pulled off live to the same degree. their songs ended up sounding a lot less hollow and two dimensional with sections not blending into each other as seamless as the album. sure the wall of sound and shear volume was enough to keep me happy but i personally found their live show a bit of a let down compared to the recording. 

1. Fathom
2. Geneva
3. Melee
4. Hexed all
5. Maiko
6. When the mountain comes to Muhammad
7. Philos